November 14-16, 2018
Lisbon, Portugal
Building 4Humanity
Nuno Martins (Chair)
CIAUD - CIAUD - Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design,
Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon
José Manuel Mendes (Chair)
CES - Centre for Social Studies,University of Coimbra, Portugal
Pedro Pinto Santos (Co-Chair)
IGOT - Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon
Isabel Raposo (Co-Chair)
CIAUD - Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design,Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon
Liliane Hobeica (Co-Chair)
Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Coimbra
Adib Hobeica (Co-Chair)
Independent Consultant

University of Lisbon, Portugal
Faculty of Architecture
ULisboa is responsible for making the city of Lisbon one of the great European capitals of culture and science, as it welcomes more than 6900 foreign students every year – about 14,5% of the total number of students – from over 100 countries, who are seeking high quality education as well as a different culture, delightful weather and the hospitality that Lisbon, and Portugal, have to offer. ULisboa is currently Portugal’s largest University and one of Europe’s largest. Located in the heart of the city, it provides its entire community with the best and most diverse academic programs and vows to deliver a uniquely enriching experience. Faculty website
CES - Centre for Social Studies,
University of Coimbra, Portugal
The Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra is a scientific institution focused on research and advanced training in the Social Sciences and the Humanities, through an inter and transdisciplinary approach.
Since its foundation, in 1978, CES has been conducting research with and for an inclusive, innovative and reflexive society by promoting creative critical approaches in the face of some of the most urging challenges of contemporary societies. Its goal is to continue engaging generations of exceptionally talented researchers and students in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities.
CES scientific strategy aims to democratize knowledge, revitalize human rights and to contribute to the establishment of science as a public commodity. We pursue this mission by continuously reshaping our research fields in a response to the needs of the society. Our work covers a wide range of scientific activities and scope, at the national and international level, with particular focus on the North-South and South-North dialogues, contributing to the development, dissemination and application of cutting-edge science and to an advanced research and training of excellence.
Global Disaster Resilience Centre,
University of Huddersfield, UK
What would it be like to live in a world in which government authorities, businesses, communities and individuals work together to create a society that is able to withstand the effects of unforeseen events and threats? At the Global Disaster Resilience Centre we are working with stakeholders at the global, national and local level to make this happen.
The Global Disaster Resilience Centre is committed to excellence in research, education and advocacy to improve the resilience of nations and communities to disasters.
With growing population and infrastructures, the world’s exposure to hazards is increasing. When disaster strikes, communities may need to be rebuilt physically economically and socially. At the same time, it is vital that any reconstruction activity pro-actively considers how to protect people and their environment, and reduce a community’s vulnerability.
The Global Disaster Resilience Centre is part of the School of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Huddersfield in the UK. In November 2013, the University of Huddersfield was awarded the Times Higher Education University of the Year. The University excels in enterprise and innovation and in 2012, was named the Times Higher Education Entrepreneurial University of the Year.
Please visit GDRC website for more detail.
NGO Building 4Humanity - Designing and Reconstructing
Communities Association I Portugal
Building 4Humanity (B 4H) is based in Coimbra, Portugal, at the Universitary Institute for Peace and Justice (IUJP), and was founded in 2013 in the aftermath of the Hayti earthquake reconstruction by a set of 17 practitioners and academics coming from different areas and with a diverse background.
Employing an interdisciplinary approach to architecture, joining architects, disaster scientists, sociologists, psychologists, economists, engineers, ecologists, social service technicians and spiritual leaders, both practitioners and researchers, B4H tries to develop the concept of social innovation architecture or architectural design for social innovation. Relying on this holistic ground B4H seeks to investigate participation models that address disaster risk reduction and community resilience and to create solutions to local challenges concerning the Well-Being and the real improvement of the Quality of Life of the population, taking a reference the World Health Organization official definitions. Additionally, B4H started the process of empowerment of men and women to acquire greater levels of expertise in resilient construction or repair of buildings.
Dilanthi Amaratunga (Univeristy of Huddersfield)
Richaird Haigh (Univeristy of Huddersfield)