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Final results of the Building 4Humanity Design Competition

Final results of the Building 4Humanity Design Competition after the second submission and evaluation stage:

The meeting of the Jury for the final evaluation of the proposals shortlisted to the Building 4Humanity Design Competition was held on Friday 16 November, during the 8th ICBR in Lisbon. We are pleased to announce herewith the winning design teams of the Competition in its three categories:


Category 1 (Professional teams, built projects):

– 1st prize: B4H-DC1152 (focus: resilience hub, France)

Members of the architectural design team: Constantin Petcou, Doina Petrescu and Anne Querrien. >> View project


– 2nd prize: B4H-DC1108 (focus: floods, Peru)

Members of the architectural design team: Belen Desmaison, Kleber Espinoza, Urphy Vásquez and Fernando Carpio. >> View project


– 3rd prize: B4H-DC1158 (focus: floods, Vietnam)

Members of the architectural design team: Elizabeth English, Pham Duy Tien, Nguyen Van Truoc, Teresa Tran and Thanh Tran. >> View project


Category 2 (Professional teams, unbuilt projects):

– 1st prize: B4H-DC2137 (focus: hurricanes, USA)

Members of the architectural design team: Anita Berrizbeitia, Angel Rodriguez-Colon, Eduardo Llinás-Mesegeur and Judith Rodriguez Portieles.  >> View project


– 2nd prize: B4H-DC2102 (focus: wildfires, Australia)

Members of the architectural design team: Liz Brogden, Alexandra Illuk, Markos Hughes, Clare Kennedy and Nicholas McCarthy.  >> View project


– 3rd prize: B4H-DC2107 (focus: earthquakes, Japan)

Members of the architectural design team: Tadashi Saito, Hidenori Izumi, Yoshiro Namba, Kouji Mabuchi and Masakazu Terai. >> View project​


Category 3 (Student teams, unbuilt projects):

– 1st prize: B4H-DC3104 (focus: slum upgrading, Brazil) – students from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brazil)

Members of the architectural design team: Pérola Barbosa, Ana Dresler, Raquel Penna, Patrícia Monteiro Santoro dos Santos and Pablo Benetti (supervisor).

>> View project


– 2nd prize: B4H-DC3117 (focus: volcanos, Guatemala) – students from Rafael Landívar University (Guatemala)

Members of the architectural design team: Lily Reina Chen Rosales, Valerio Sen Lin Lee Pacheco, María Alejandra Lima Morales, Jorge Mario Pérez Sosa, Gerardo Andres Rodas Valladares and Eduardo Antonio Andrade Abularach (supervisor).   >> View project


– 3rd prize: B4H-DC3142 (focus: floods and cyclones, Bangladesh) – students from the School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal (India)

Members of the architectural design team: Vishal Kumar, Akhilesh Shisodia, Mohit Arya, Reva Saksena and Sanjeev Singh (supervisor).   >> View project

Shortlisted design teams
in the first evaluation stage:


The first edition of the Building 4Humanity Design Competition received 60 complete applications from all around the world. Each application was evaluated by at least five members of an international jury composed of experts (academics and practitioners) from different professional fields such as urban planning, landscape design, disaster risk management, humanitarian architecture or slum upgrading. 


The first evaluation stage (concluded on 30 October 2018), intended to preselect the best-ranked applications.


We are pleased to announce herewith the list of the preselected design teams who will now proceed to the next and final submission and evaluation stage.

The shortlisted teams are (in numerical order, indicating the focused country and hazard type):


Category 1 (Professional teams, built projects):

– B4H-DC1108 (Peru, floods) >> View project

– B4H-DC1120 (Bangladesh, cyclones) >> View project

– B4H-DC1152 (France, resilience hub) >> View project

– B4H-DC1158 (Vietnam, floods) >> View project

– B4H-DC1167 (Nepal, earthquakes) >> View project


Category 2 (Professional teams, unbuilt projects):

– B4H-DC2102 (Australia, wildfires) >> View project​

– B4H-DC2107 (Japan, earthquakes) >> View project​

– B4H-DC2111 (Poland, water shortage) >> View project​

– B4H-DC2133 (Thailand, earthquakes) >> View project​

– B4H-DC2134 (Bangladesh, floods) >> View project​

– B4H-DC2137 (USA, hurricanes)  >> View project

– B4H-DC2138 (Philippines, typhoons) >> View project​

– B4H-DC2145 (Namibia, floods) >> View project​

– B4H-DC2170 (Sudan, floods) >> View project​




Category 3 (Student teams, unbuilt projects):

– B4H-DC3101 (Vietnam, floods)  >> View project

– B4H-DC3104 (Brazil, slum upgrading) >> View project

– B4H-DC3109 (New Zealand, earthquakes) >> View project​

– B4H-DC3117 (Guatemala, volcanos) >> View project

– B4H-DC3124 (Nigeria, floods) >> View project​

– B4H-DC3126 (Portugal, wildfires) >> View project​

– B4H-DC3128 (Guatemala, volcanos) >> View project​​

– B4H-DC3129 (Tanzania, floods)  >> View project​​

– B4H-DC3141 (Japan, floods) >> View project​​

– B4H-DC3142 (Bangladesh, floods and cyclones)>> View

– B4H-DC3153 (Italy, earthquakes)  >> View project​​

– B4H-DC3163 (Thailand, floods)  >> View project​​

– B4H-DC3165 (Indonesia, multi-hazard)  >> View project​​

– B4H-DC3169 (Turkey, refugee crisis)   >> View project​​

– B4H-DC3174 (Brazil, floods) >> View project​​


Internationally adopted in 2015, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction aims to achieve in 2030 “the substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health and in the economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets of persons, businesses, communities and countries” (UNISDR, 2015).

In the spirit of this framework, we invite professionals and students in the fields of architecture, urban design, urban planning, landscape architecture, engineering, design and everyone interested in the mission of the 8th International Conference on Building Resilience to submit their projects and ideas to the Building 4Humanity Design Competition.

The competition is organized by the NGO Building 4Humanity and supported by the 8th ICBR (Lisbon ’2018). Teams composed of students or professionals from private practices, public entities and/or NGOs are welcome. Each design team should be composed of no less than three and no more than six participants, while interdisciplinary teams are highly encouraged.


The competition is open to two types of teams:

  • Professional teams, comprising at least one qualified architect. 

  • Student teams, including one professor (as supervisor) with a practical background in architecture and two to five students.

​Design teams may submit more than one project, but each entry must be registered and submitted separately, under a specific ID number.


The Building 4Humanity Resilient Design Competition will also feature, as a special award, The Marielle Franco Community-Design Award, to honour the legacy of the late Marielle Franco and her persistent work towards the right to the city and to safe and decent housing for the inhabitants of favelas of Rio de Janeiro (find more information about this award here).

The Marielle Franco Community-Design Award is meant to recognize the day-to-day activity of architects immersed in multidisciplinary teams composed of designers and social workers within slum areas. 

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Organized by

Nuno Martins (Architect Ph.D., Researcher FA-University of Lisbon, Professor UBI-Portugal, Chair of the 8th ICBR Lisbon'18).  Director of the Building 4Humanity Resilient Design Competition and The Marielle Franco Community Design Award.


Liliane Hobeica    I    Adib Hobeica     I    Sílvia Martins


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If you have any question, please contact us (no later than10 September) at


If you require technical advice about abstract or paper submission, or further details about the conference venue, travel and accommodation, please contact the conference organiser at



@2018 by 8th ICBR Lisbon, Portugal.

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