November 14-16, 2018
Lisbon, Portugal
Building 4Humanity
The Design Brief

The programme of the competition is open, covering design for resilience in any stage of the disaster risk management cycle – that is, focusing on either mitigation (“building better from the start”) or recovery (“building back better”). Each team should present its own preliminary programme in the act of registration. Applicants must identify and choose a disaster-prone area and showcase ideas of how resilient buildings and settlements can support the building of communities’ resilience. Alternatively, submissions may refer to already built resilient builldings.
As a mere suggestion, different baseline scenarios in any part of the world could be thought of, such as:
A wildfire risk-prone low-density or rural area
A flood-prone area
A tsunami-prone area
An earthquake-prone area
A drought-prone area
A hurricane-prone area
A landslide-prone area
A refugee camp
Multifamily houses hosting refugees, concentrated in consolidated urban areas
A densely built informal area prone to multi-hazard disaster risks
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Organized by

Nuno Martins (Architect Ph.D., Researcher FA-University of Lisbon, Professor UBI-Portugal, Chair of the 8th ICBR Lisbon'18). Director of the Building 4Humanity Resilient Design Competition and The Marielle Franco Community Design Award.
Liliane Hobeica I Adib Hobeica I Sílvia Martins

If you have any question, please contact us (no later than10 September) at B4H.DesignCompetition@gmail.com