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21 Dez 2020

8th ICBR Book of Papers now available

21 Feb 2020

Electronic Book of Conference Proceedings

The electronic book of proceedings of ICBR 2018 is available here.


17 Jan 2019

The Marielle Franco Community-Design Award winners: Arquitectas sem fronteiras (Brazil)

The organisers want to thank again the several dozens of architects and NGOs from all over the world who submitted for the Marielle Franco Community-Design Award and congratulate for their excellent work done in favor those in most need, working in very poor and often uncertain conditions in seemengly rural remote as well urban risky contexts. 

Reunited on the 14th of November at the first day of the 8th ICBR Lisbon 2018, the final painel of evaluation, composed by eith experts from eight different countries from the five continents, and after watching the videos presented at the final stage, remarked the high quality and outstanding commitment with the respective local communities of the six shortlisted candidates. The first vote of the panel led to a selection of two finalists, including one candidate from Philippines whose work with children and women from all age, step by step, along a thoughtful co-design and rebuilding process was highlighted.

The final vote decided for Arquitectas sem Fronteiras - Brasil as the first recipient of the Marielle Franco Community Design Award. The devoted work of a group of still young female architects with women within the favelas of the periphery of Belo Horizonte was appreciated by the Jury for the simplicity of the approach, the full involvement of the residents in the different moments of the housing upgrading, from project layout to mansory works and finishes, including acquiring of materials and budget management. The jurors also underlined the frankness of the dialogue between the architects and the householders which resulted in a strong bond between all involved and that seems to be on the basis of impressive achievements in a relatively short period of time. The persistent work focused on the dialogue, training, capacitacion and empowerment of women with no experience, without waiving any phase of the design and reconstruction process, crosses the borders of community-design showing new possibilities of mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation between architects and low-income 'clients', particularly women, contributing to the methodological refreshment of  aid - self - help incremental housing process.
The announcement of the prize and communication to the awarded candidates was made live, through Skype, in front of a major audience present at  the closing cerymony of the ICBR. It was a very exciting amoment, with a emotional discourse from a stunnished Carina Gomes, representant of 'Architectas sem fronteiras', dedicating the prize to Marielle's legacy, that will certainly remain in the memory of those who could witnessed. The delivery of the prize money of ten thousand euros will take place in Lisbon, in a formal event, in a date to be announced soon. 

17 Nov 2018

Final results of the Building 4Humanity Design Competition

Final results of the Building 4Humanity Design Competition

after the second submission and evaluation stage:


The meeting of the Jury for the final evaluation of the proposals shortlisted to the Building 4Humanity Design Competition was held on Friday 16 November, during the 8th ICBR in Lisbon. We are pleased to announce herewith the winning design teams of the Competition in its three categories:


Category 1 (Professional teams, built projects):

– 1st prize: B4H-DC1152 (focus: resilience hub, France)

Members of the architectural design team: Constantin Petcou, Doina Petrescu and Anne Querrien.


– 2nd prize: B4H-DC1108 (focus: floods, Peru)

Members of the architectural design team: Belen Desmaison, Kleber Espinoza, Urphy Vásquez and Fernando Carpio.


– 3rd prize: B4H-DC1158 (focus: floods, Vietnam)

Members of the architectural design team: Elizabeth English, Pham Duy Tien, Nguyen Van Truoc, Teresa Tran and Thanh Tran.


Category 2 (Professional teams, unbuilt projects):

– 1st prize: B4H-DC2137 (focus: hurricanes, USA)

Members of the architectural design team: Anita Berrizbeitia, Angel Rodriguez-Colon, Eduardo Llinás-Mesegeur and Judith Rodriguez Portieles.


– 2nd prize: B4H-DC2102 (focus: wildfires, Australia)

Members of the architectural design team: Liz Brogden, Alexandra Illuk, Markos Hughes, Clare Kennedy and Nicholas McCarthy.


– 3rd prize: B4H-DC2107 (focus: earthquakes, Japan)

Members of the architectural design team: Tadashi Saito, Hidenori Izumi, Yoshiro Namba, Kouji Mabuchi and Masakazu Terai.


Category 3 (Student teams, unbuilt projects):

– 1st prize: B4H-DC3104 (focus: slum upgrading, Brazil) – students from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brazil)

Members of the architectural design team: Pérola Barbosa, Ana Dresler, Raquel Penna, Patrícia Monteiro Santoro dos Santos and Pablo Benetti (supervisor).


 2nd prize: B4H-DC3117 (focus: volcanos, Guatemala) – students from Rafael Landívar University (Guatemala)

Members of the architectural design team: Lily Reina Chen Rosales, Valerio Sen Lin Lee Pacheco, María Alejandra Lima Morales, Jorge Mario Pérez Sosa, Gerardo Andres Rodas Valladares and Eduardo Antonio Andrade Abularach (supervisor).


– 3rd prize: B4H-DC3142 (focus: floods and cyclones, Bangladesh) – students from the School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal (India)

Members of the architectural design team: Vishal Kumar, Akhilesh Shisodia, Mohit Arya, Reva Saksena and Sanjeev Singh (supervisor).

15 Nov 2018

Registration for RESILIENT TOURS

Just to recall the existence of the Resilient Tours and the need to register for them, specifically, using the following formulary, by tomorrow (Nov. 15, 14h):

The inscription on the Resilient Tours is available only to the Delegates and Participants with the Regular registration.
If your registration entitles you to participate in the Resilient Tour but, for any reason, you know in advance you will not be able to join in, please use the same formulary to inform us.
Best regards,
The 8th ICBR Organising Committee

13 Nov 2018

8th ICBR Conference APP

Dear 8th ICBR Delegates and Participants,

The Conference APP is available on Google Play store and App store - search for WebMOBI or go to the following link:




You can login with your email and the 
Private key / Passphrase is "ICBR2018"  


There is also an anonymous account for the users who have not shared the email id. In this case please use the below credentials


Password: icbr2018

10 Nov 2018

Conference Program is ready and available!

Dear 8th ICBR Delegates and Participants,

We are excited to announce that the Conference Program is ready and available at, as well as on . The strong international facet of the ICBR series implied several last-minute changes, causing a delay which we sincerely apologize.

The 8th ICBR includes four Resilient Tours (we’ve added a fourth dedicated mostly to the drought risk). Please, check the program and itinerary of each one at

Using the following formulary, the Delegates and Participants with registrations entitling the participation in the Resilient Tours are invited to choose the one of their preference, before the Conference start, this means by November 13:

If your registration entitles you to participate in the Resilient Tour but, for any reason, you know in advance you will not be able to join in, please use the same formulary to inform us. 

Looking forward to welcoming you in a few days!
The 8th ICBR Organising Committee

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If you require technical advice about abstract or paper submission, or further details about the conference venue, travel and accommodation, please contact the conference organiser at


@2018 by 8th ICBR Lisbon, Portugal.

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