November 14-16, 2018
Lisbon, Portugal
Building 4Humanity
Submission Instructions

The Building 4Humanity Design Competition is organized in two stages, the second of which being restricted to the best 10 entries selected (in each category) in the first phase. All materials should be presented in English, the official language of the competition. The submission process encompasses the following steps:
01. Make online registration
Insert informations about your team via online registration form.
02. Prepare the registration file
(one single pdf for each entry) comprising:
proofs of professional or student status of all team members - for qualified architects, the proof should be in the form of a copy of the membership document issued by the responsible professional body (the order of architects in the case of European countries, for example); if no such membership is required to practice architecture in your country, the proof should be in the form of a copy of the related diploma;
proof of payment (payment via bank transfer, more details below);
the preliminary programme: two A4 pages that include pictures, maps and a description of the risks identified within the chosen site, with reference to the impacts of previous disasters.
Please include at least one aerial view (such as images from Google Earth, captured by drones etc.). The preliminary programme can be improved later on, within Deliverable 1. In this initial stage, there is no need to outline design strategies to reduce risk, regarding disaster mitigation (pre-disaster building) or recovery (post-disaster rebuilding), as the competition challenges applicants to bring forward their answers to the chosen scenario along the design process. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend applicants to establish and thoroughly list a set of primary problems to be solved (while trying to understand dependencies and interconnections) and to outline the overall design strategy that will guide the project (the design concept)
03. Send the registration file (pdf) to B4H.DesignCompetition@gmail.com
Only teams that have submitted complete registration files within the deadline will ultimately participate in the competition. The Organizing Committee will review the registration files and send a specific ID number to each entry that complies with the competition’s requirements. In order to ensure the impartiality of the evaluation process, all applicants are required not to publicly disclose their respective entries (or any part of it) until the competition’s results are announced.
04. Prepare the design project as per Deliverable 1
05. Upload the files of the design project in an accessible file storage service (such as Google Drive or DropBox) and send the respective link to B4H.DesignCompetition@gmail.com
After First selection process for Shortlisted Entries:
06. Prepare Deliverable 2
07. Upload the video file of the design project in an accessible file storage service (such as Google Drive or DropBox) and send the respective link to B4H.DesignCompetition@gmail.com
(for the first stage)
One poster (size: A1; format: pdf, with print-quality resolution), which should include images of digital models + finalized version of the design programme (up to four A4 pages, including pictures, maps and texts, in one pdf file).
Teams applying under Category 1 – Best Resilient Building project (built; focusing on any hazard type) – must also include photographs of the actual output.
These materials should be identified only with the ID number provided by the Organizing Committee in order to ensure the entries’ anonymity.
NEW: Template for the Building 4Humanity Design Competition available here
(for the shortlisted projects)
Short movie (up to 3 minutes, with high-quality resolution) presenting the design project.
Videos with audios in languages other than English must have English subtitles.
Anonymity is not required in the second stage of evaluation.
Evaluation process
1st evaluation stage
Shortlisting of the best 10 projects in each category, by a jury composed of 30-40 members.
In this stage, each juror will assess up to 15 projects and each project will be assessed by three evaluators.
2nd evaluation stage
Selection of the best 3 projects in each category, by a jury composed of 10-12 members.
Evaluation criteria
In both evaluation stages, the projects will be assessed considering the following four equally weighted criteria:
A) the quality of design, with particular emphasis on the proposed resilience strategies and solutions, and the answers to the programme;
B) the quality of the overall framing and bonding of the design solution within the site/settlement, considering the utilization of local human and material resources, as well as the cultural, symbolic and spiritual endowments;
C) the evidence and adequacy of design strategies for community engagement and residents’ involvement in the building, rebuilding or resettlement processes;
D) the value of the construction features, namely feasibility, cost-effectiveness, sustainability and, in particular, adaptability, that is, “the capacity of a building to accommodate effectively the evolving demands of its context, thus maximizing value through life” (Schmidt et al., 2010, p. 235); to what extent the building can be delivered in a timely manner (the timeframe of the construction process), is extendable (scalable, expandable), flexible (versatile and convertible), refittable, moveable, recyclable (reusable).
Participation fees
Early-bird registration fees (up to 20 September):
Professional teams: 150 euros for each submission
Student teams: 95 euros for each submission
Payment via bank transfer:
Building 4Humanity – Designing and Reconstructing Communities Association; Coimbra, Portugal
IBAN: PT50003508170000600423012
Regular registration fees:
Professional teams: 190 euros for each submission
Student teams: 120 euros for each submission
Sponsored by

Associated partners

Organized by

Nuno Martins (Architect Ph.D., Researcher FA-University of Lisbon, Professor UBI-Portugal, Chair of the 8th ICBR Lisbon'18). Director of the Building 4Humanity Resilient Design Competition and The Marielle Franco Community Design Award.
Liliane Hobeica I Adib Hobeica I Sílvia Martins

If you have any question, please contact us (no later than10 September) at B4H.DesignCompetition@gmail.com