November 14-16, 2018
Lisbon, Portugal
Building 4Humanity
Category 1: Best Resilient Building Project (built; focusing on any hazard type)
Category 2: Best Resilient Building and/or Settlement Project (unbuilt; focusing on any hazard type)
Category 3: Best Resilient Building and/or Settlement Student Project (unbuilt; focusing on any type of hazard)
For the 'Resilient Building Project':
1st prize: 2,500€ + diploma
2nd prize: 800€ + diploma
3rd prize: 300€ + diploma
For the 'Resilient Building and/or Settlement Project':
1st prize: 2,000€ + diploma
2nd prize: 700€ + diploma
3rd prize: 300€ + diploma
For the 'Resilient Building and/or Settlement Student Project:
1st prize: 1,750€ + diploma
2nd prize: 600€ + diploma
3rd prize: 300€ + diploma
The ten shortlisted teams under each category will receive a diploma; their projects will be showcased during the 8th ICBR in Lisbon and published in prestigious architecture, urbanism and technical magazines.
All submitted projects will be showcased online on the competition website.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to later on use the submitted projects for educational and professional-training purposes, with the proper acknowledgment of authorships and without altering the related contents.

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Organized by

Nuno Martins (Architect Ph.D., Researcher FA-University of Lisbon, Professor UBI-Portugal, Chair of the 8th ICBR Lisbon'18). Director of the Building 4Humanity Resilient Design Competition and The Marielle Franco Community Design Award.
Liliane Hobeica I Adib Hobeica I Sílvia Martins

If you have any question, please contact us (no later than10 September) at B4H.DesignCompetition@gmail.com